A spoiler for Batman: Arkham Knight hardly has the same impact as say a spoiler for Avengers: Endgame. NetherRealm may take a page out of its Injustice playbook.

In addition, the competitive gamers who are not huge comic fans will also be a market. Only die-hard fans who are also gamers will pick this up. Gaming follows a slightly more niche’ audience than movies. The Batman: Another new spin-off series is in development at HBO MaxĪ video game, however, may not be as problematic as a film, perhaps.Todd McFarlane’s Spawn reboot takes major step in the right direction.Marvel cancels Guardians of the Galaxy series with unexpected announcement.The Boys’ R-rated college spin-off greenlit at Amazon: Here’s what we know.DC FanDome 2021: Watch the new trailer for The Batman.This may also be problematic, given Time Warner owns both DC and Ed Boon’s NetherRealm Studios. Does Captain America or Batman win the fight? Does Captain Marvel overpower Shazam? No doubt, both parties will want their own character to win no less. Who produces it? Who distributes it? On top of that, who wins? It would be impossible to please fans. People love to pitch the idea of a movie with today’s superhero climate at the theaters and the onset of cinematic universes.

We have the comic in 1996, which is more of a collector’s item rather than a must-read like The Dark Knight Returns or The Infinity War. There has always been a history of Marvel vs DC ideas amongst fans from both sides, and in general comic fans. DC’ I think would be the coolest.” Now as fans our interest is beyond piqued and is going interstellar. “We would love to make like a Marvel fighting game, or ‘Marvel vs. Game Informer pressed more, asking if Boon wants to make Marvel fighting game. “Oh God yes,” Boon said.